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Phone Consultations
Phone Consultation
Primary care clinician telephone consultation with child mental health specialists:
Provider-to-provider consultation line; not intended for use by parents
Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm (except major federal holidays)
Calls are answered within 30 minutes or less
Phones staffed at all times by a team of mental health specialists (psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker and care coordinator)
Open to any pediatric primary care provider working in or providing care to youth in DC
Providers can call about any issue about the mental health of the youth (0-21 years) or their caregiver regardless of family insurance status
Primary care providers can complete a
consultation request form
to request a specific callback time
Calls can be processed faster when providers have the following information available:
Provider information—NPI #, call back number
Child information—name, DOB, insurance, zip code (if seeking resources)
Reason for the call
Relevant background information about the case
Calls can also be processed faster once providers are enrolled in DC MAP.
Calls will be triaged to the appropriate DC MAP clinician if needed.
PCPs should receive a written summary of the call within 2 business days
All services are FREE!
Department of Behavioral Health
© Paving the Way Multi Service Institute 2024
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